Patient Services
I am a Physician


Do you have a chronic condition? If yes, then it is important that you maintain a log of your vitals and report it to your physician on a regular basis. TeleVital allows physician to remotely monitor your vitals, adjust your medications and proactively help you prevent your condition from getting worse or from having to go to the hospital when it is not necessary.

What Vitals can I report?
Blood Pressure, Irregular Heart Beat (IHB)
Blood Sugar/Glucose
Oxygen Saturation, Pulse
Heart Rhythm
How can I report my vitals?

You can use any of the following methods to report your vitals –

*On the Web – Login to OCEAN and Click on Vitals under Health Data to record your vitals

*On Mobile Devices – Login to SnapZap and tap on Snap Vitals to record your vitals. You can download SnapZap from the Apple App Store or Google Play store.

You can also use UMEDEX Certified Medical Devices to capture and upload vital measurements –

  • Pulse Oximeter (SPO2)
  • Blood Pressure Monitor including IHB
  • Weigh Scale
  • Glucose Monitor
  • Thermometer
  • Vital Point Monitor


How will my Physician or caregiver get my data?

Your physician or caregiver will receive new vitals data immediately via our secure mobile app U-InTouch and OMNI, and on the web via OCEAN. They can also trend your vital progress, validate effectiveness of your medication and send feedback and alerts.


How is my physician or caregiver going to process all the data sent by me?

The Physician or caregiver receives vitals data that are not within the normal limits. The upper and lower normal limits for each of your vitals are set or adjusted by your physician based on your condition and several other factors. To learn further about this, please talk to your physician or caregiver.


How do I check for responses from my physician or caregiver?

Responses from your physician or caregiver can be viewed by logging into SnapZap (Health Vital) on your mobile device and on the Web by logging into OCEAN (Health Data / Diagnostics). Your physician or caregiver can also forward responses to U-InTouch and as an alert. You can download U-InTouch from the Apple App Store or Google Play store.

How can I share this information with my family members who care for me?

Add your family members, physicians and caregivers to your CARE group and start sharing your health information in real-time.

Important: When subscribing to this service please check the number of times per month you can send vitals to your physician or caregiver.

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