Patient Services
I am a Physician
Health Evaluation

Health Evaluation

By subscribing to this service, you can request a comprehensive health evaluation from a specialist or primary physician. The comprehensive evaluation is designed to deliver personalized, preventive strategies to improve your clinical condition and reduce any health risk.


The complete health evaluation is done electronically by reviewing your current and past clinical records and your health risk.

How do I request a health evaluation?

You can use the following method to request a health evaluation –

*On the Web – Login to OCEAN and click on to request a comprehensive health evaluation from the physician or medical facility of your choice.


The physician or medical facility staff will process and confirm your request. You can see this confirmation under the appointment section of My Health in OCEAN.


How is the physician or medical facility going to process all my data?

The comprehensive health evaluation process is shown below –


How do I check for feedback from my physician or medical facility?

Comprehensive Health Evaluation received from your physician or medical facility can be viewed by logging into SnapZap (Clinical Condition) on your mobile device and on the Web by logging into OCEAN (Health Data – Clinical Diagnosis).

How can I share this information with my family members who care for me?

Add your family members, physicians and caregivers to your CARE group and start sharing your health information in real-time.

Important: When subscribing to this service please check the number of times per month you can send triage to your physician or caregiver.

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